Hey Girlfriend Network is a 501(c)3 non profit organization that provides grassroots assistance to those in need including but not limited to low income families, women, underprivileged youth, homeless individuals and human trafficking victims.
"If everyone did just one thing to make their local community a better place, it could truly change the world."
Toy Drive for Children
Food and Clothing Drive
Social Services and Support
Mission Statement: To promote positive networking and to provide various community outreach resources for those in need of food, basic needs or any social services assistance.
Women making a difference.
Hey Girlfriend Network Founder
Cynthia Billingslea was recognized by California State Senator Steven Bradford, of Senate District 35 --in honor of her outstanding service and leadership to the city of Los Angeles. Special recognition was awarded to Cynthia by the National Congress of Black Women, Inc -Los Angeles Chapter at their 8th Annual Awards Luncheon
entitled "Women Making a Difference -
Our Stories, Our Truths."